Harmonica lying on a sheet with empty staff-lines. Showing texts “No notes” and “mindfultester.com/no-notes”!

No notes

I had no notes
No music came into my mind. Silence.
It was my turn.

I had no notes.
No melody, no bass line, and even no chords came into my mind.
The people in the room expected me to do something.

I had no notes. After I had looked in my subdirectories: no database scripts. No relevant test charters. Actually I was supposed to test, not to make music. Mind you.

Getting back on track

It was time for my first flashback. A week earlier I had to test the same application. The import function had not been implemented yet. So I used some code of the unit tests.

I told myself to write a short note in the knowledge management system. This hunt for the code should not be repeated every test session.

The first step was to open my IDE or Integrated Development Environment. This tool helps me to program, build, and use version control among other things.

It was simple to find the right repository: it was still in view as I left it.

Another flashback came in. I could not use the code and one of the devops replied that I did not use the latest version.

So after the flashback I did a pull request and got the last version of the code.

My purpose was to find code to fill the database. I went to the unit test. A unit test has several phases. First I focused on the setup and breakdown. I could easily copy the code to make a table and the code to throw the table away. There were more commands for the breakdown than expected, so I had a small chat with one of the devops.

The second step was to find a way to fill the table. No other database commands could be found in the file. I saw a method to put a record into a table, clicked on it and saw the code of the wanted database stuff.

Then I reformatted the code. Now I could make, fill, and destroy the table at my own convenience.

During the test session I opened a test charter for notetaking.

End of the track

Did I put my steps in the knowledge management system?

Last flashback. I promise.
I was talking to a team member. He explained that he never bothered to make notes for these cases. Things changed continuously. His Best Friend was the IDE.